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HomeLifestyleTrain up a child in a way he should go

Train up a child in a way he should go

Train up a child in a way he should go


Proverb 22: 6 (KJV)

“Train up a child in the way he should go and even when they are old, they will not turn from it”


To train up a child is to set him on a path or start him off in a particular direction. A child’s outcome is frequently determined by how they are raised.


It is often said that it takes a village to raise a child. Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, friends and neighbors all play a role in shaping the life of a child. But what about those first steps? What influences a child’s earliest development?


There is no one answer to that question, but one thing is for sure: how parents start their child off in life can make all the difference. Children who are raised in homes where there is yelling and screaming, or who are routinely punished, are more likely to become bullies or be victims of bullying when they reach school age.


On the other hand, children who are raised in homes where there is love and nurturing tend to develop into compassionate adults. They are more likely to show empathy towards others and be less likely to engage in bullying behavior.


A story was once told of a woman who constantly pushed her son to mistreat and speak ill of the housekeeper. One morning, the son came to the mother to ask for something and said, “I have a guest. We will talk later.” The son then became enraged with the mother. She felt very humiliated in front of her guest because of this.


Every parent has a duty to raise their children with godly principles and to train or raise them in the appropriate manner. This proverb serves as a caution to us. When they are adults, it will be difficult to prevent our kids from going down the “road that seems right” if we let them.


Train them in the way they should go: how to do it

Parents want their children to grow up to be responsible, successful adults. One way to help them achieve this is to train them in the way they should go. This means teaching them how to behave, think, and make decisions. It also means teaching them how to deal with difficult situations. There are many ways to do this, but it starts with parents setting a good example for their children.


Establish rules and consequences

One key to successful parenting is establishing rules and consequences. Rules should be clear and concise, and consequences should be logical and consistent. It’s important to remember that kids need boundaries in order to feel safe and secure. When they know what’s expected of them, they’re more likely to behave in a way that pleases you.


Be consistent with your kids

When parents were inconsistent in their discipline, their children are more likely to exhibit behavioral problems, such as lying and stealing. Parents should be consistent in their discipline if they want to raise well-behaved children. It’s important for parents to be clear about what they expect from their children and to stick to those expectations.


It is important to be consistent in your everyday life. This means being reliable, keeping your word, and following through on what you say you will do. If you are not consistent, your children will not be able to count on you and may not trust what you say. This can lead to problems in your relationships and make it difficult to build bonds and trust. Being consistent also helps build character and shows that you are a reliable person.


Praise the good behavior of your kids

There are many benefits to praising good behavior in your children. For one thing, it teaches them what is expected of them and helps them develop good habits. It also makes them feel good about themselves, which can boost their self-esteem. And finally, it encourages them to behave well in the future, since they know they will be rewarded for it.


Children who are praised for good behavior are more likely to exhibit such behavior in the future. When parents take the time to praise their children for accomplishments great and small, the children feel appreciated and loved. In addition, they learn that good behavior is something to be proud of and is worthy of recognition. As a result, they are likely to repeat desirable behaviors in order to earn more praise from their parents.


Model the behavior you want to see in your children

Parents are the first and most important teachers for their children. One of the most important things parents can do is model the behavior they want to see in their children. This includes being respectful, responsible, and kind to others. Children learn by watching what their parents do, so it is important to set a good example for them. Parents should also be positive role models, meaning they should be positive and optimistic even when things don’t go their way. Finally, parents should be honest with their children and always tell them the truth, no matter how difficult it may be.


After all, the road that children are naturally prone to take is one of folly, and it takes discipline to dissuade kids from taking that path. (Proverb 22: 15)


In other words, get a child started on the correct path when they are young; it will be more difficult to steer them off as an adult.


Further reading: Deuteronomy 6:7

“Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up”. New Living Translation


Quote: “the best way to teach a child is to live an exemplary life.” Laila Gifty Akita


Prayer: Lord, help us as parents to be the right examples for our children to follow.


Food for thought: Re-examine your elf and see if you are putting your children on the right path.



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